Development of Pedagogy as a discipline and its impact on Higher Education in France




Higher Education, History of Education, Pedagogy, Pedagogy and Education


Pedagogy constitutes a discipline that has been differently developed in Europe. In relation to the European disagreement about Pedagogy and its implications, it is evident that History of Education plays an unquestionable and relevant role. This article studies the historical evolution of Pedagogy as an academic discipline in France through a rigorous historic and educational analysis of the origin and development of scientific Pedagogy. Results show in France have coexisted two clearly differentiated educational trends: teacher training, which was imparted in écoles normales and based on practical contents; and, Pedagogy, which was linked to theoretical study and universities. This collaborates to the fragmentation of the pedagogical discipline and the French institutional structure. In conclusion, despite having impulsed the science of Pedagogy in Europe in the 17th century, its influence and presence in Higher Education has not been successful until recent times.


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Author Biography

Alicia Sianes-Bautista, University of Jaén

Lecturer in the Department of Pedagogy (University of Jaén) and Tutor in the Department of History of Education and Comparative Education (UNED). International PhD in Education (UNED). Researcher in Research Group Comparative Education in Seville (GIECSE, HUM-486). Research interests: pedagogy; higher education; comparative and international education; gender.


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How to Cite

SIANES-BAUTISTA, A. Development of Pedagogy as a discipline and its impact on Higher Education in France. Educ. Form., [S. l.], v. 6, n. 3, p. e5324, 2021. DOI: 10.25053/redufor.v6i3.5324. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.