Ensino de Ciência da Computação e Estudos de Tecnologia da Informação para alunos de especialidades musicais e pedagógicas





Tecnologia da informação na educação, Competência em informação, Tecnologias de Computador para Música (MCT), Criatividade musical por computador, Música para computador, Ciência da Computação


Os processos de informatização transformam o ambiente de atividade profissional de um professor de música contemporânea, provocam a formação de novas necessidades educacionais de estudantes de especialidades musicais e pedagógicas, requerem mudanças significativas nas atividades de um professor de música relacionadas à criação e uso de instrumentos digitais educacionais. recursos, a introdução generalizada de técnicas e métodos de interação em rede. A tecnologia do computador musical (MCT) permite aplicar efetivamente a experiência pedagógica do ensino tradicional de música e os novos recursos de um computador musical moderno.



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Biografia do Autor

Irina Borisovna Gorbunova, Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University

Professor of the Department of Digital Education of the Institute of Information Technologies and Technological Education, Head and Chief Researcher of the Education and Methods  Laboratory Music Computer Technologies at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Anastasia Anatolyevna Pankova, Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University

PhD em Pedagogia, Pesquisador Sênior da Educação e métodos laboratoriais de música Computer Technologies no Herzen Estado Universidade Pedagógica da Rússia, São Petersburgo, Rússia.


ALIEVA, I. G.; GORBUNOVA, I. B.; MEZENTSEVA, S. V. Music Computer Technologies as a tool for broadcasting and preserving musical folklore (using the example of the Russian Far East). Music Scholarship, v. 34, n. 1, p. 140-149, 2019a. DOI: 10.17674/1997-0854.2019.1.140-149.

ALIEVA, I. G.; GORBUNOVA, I. B.; MEZENTSEVA, S. V. Music Computer Technologies as a worth-while means of folklore studying, preserving and transmission. Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana, Maracaibo, v. 24, n. S6, p. 118-131, 2019b.

BELLO, C. C. ¿De dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos? Reflexiones y experiencias de vida de una pianista cubana. In: GORBUNOVA, I. B. (Ed.). Contemporary Musical Education – 2014. Proceedings of the 13th International Research and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, 2014. p. 163-167.

BELOV, G. G.; GORBUNOVA, I. B. Cybernetics and music: problem statement. Society: Philosophy, History, Culture, n. 12, p. 138-143, 2016.

CHAO-FERNÁNDEZ, R.; ROMÁN-GARCÍA, S.; CHAO-FERNÁNDEZ, A. Analysis of the use of ICT through music interactive games as an educational strategy. In: 7th International Conference on Intercultural Education – Education, Health and ICT – From a Transcultural Perspective, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Almería, v. 237, p. 576-580, 2017.

COLIN, K. K. The formation of informatics as fundamental science and a complex scientific problem. Systems and means of informatics, Special Issue Scientific and methodological problems of computer science, p. 7-58, 2006.

CRAWFORD, R.; SOUTHCOTT, J. Curriculum stasis: the disconnect between music and technology in the Australian curriculum. Technology Pedagogy and Education, v. 26, n. 3, p. 347-366, 2017.

ERASMO, C. P. G. El Efecto Mozart Visual e Interactiva en los Pianos Casio. In: GORBUNOVA, I. B. (Ed.). Contemporary Musical Education – 2015. Proceedings of the 14th International Research and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, 2015. p. 260-262.

ESPERÓN, L. G. Reflexiones de una niña sin oido y desafinada. In: GORBUNOVA, I. B. (Ed.). Contemporary Musical Education – 2018. Proceedings of the 17th International Research and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, 2018. p. 125-127.

GOH, K. M. Moving toddlers and parents with MCT in Asia. In: GORBUNOVA, I. B. (Ed.). Contemporary Musical Education – 2016. Proceedings of the 15th International Research and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, 2016. p. 137-141.

GORBUNOVA, I. B. Electronic Musical Instruments: to the Problem of Formation of Performance Mastery. 16th International Conference on Literature, Languages, Humanities & Social Sciences (LLHSS-18). Int'l Conference Proceedings, 2018a. p. 15-19. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17758/uruae4.uh10184023.

GORBUNOVA, I. B. Music Computer Technologies in the Perspective of Digital Humanities, Arts, and Researches. Opción, v. 35, n. S24, p. 360-375, 2019.

GORBUNOVA, I. B. New Tool for a Musician. International Conference Proceedings. Icaset-18, ASBES-18, EEHIS-18 International Conference Proceedings, 2018b. p. 144-149. DOI: 10.17758/uruae2.ae06184024.

GORBUNOVA, I. B.; CHIBIREV, S. V. Modeling the Process of Musical Creativity in Musical Instrument Digital Interface Format. Opción, v. 35, n. S22, p. 392-409, 2019.

GORBUNOVA, I. B.; GOVOROVA, A. Music Computer Technologies in Informatics and Music Studies at Schools for Children with Deep Visual Impairments: from the experience. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Proceedings, v. 11169, р. 381-389, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-02750-629.

GORBUNOVA, I. B.; HINER, H. Music Computer Technologies and Interactive Systems of Education in Digital Age School. Proceedings of the International Conference Communicative Strategies of Information Society (CSIS 2018), 2019. р. 124-128. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2991/csis-18.2019.25.

GORBUNOVA, I. B.; KAMERIS, A. Music Computer Education Concept for Teachers: Raising the Problem. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, v. 8, n. 2 S4, p. 913-918, 2019. DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B1181.0782S419.

GORBUNOVA, I. B.; KAMERIS, A.; BAZHUKOVA, E. N. Musical Informatics Course for Musicians with Using Music Computer Technologies. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, v. 8, n. 6, p. 3040-3045, 2020.

GORBUNOVA, I. B.; KIBITKINA, E. V. Music programming: issues of preparing specialists. Art and Education, v. 5, n. 67, p. 104-111, 2010.

GORBUNOVA, I. B.; PETROVA, N. N. Music Computer Technologies, Supply Chain Strategy and Transformation Processes in Socio-Cultural Paradigm of Performing Art: Using Digital Button Accordion. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, v. 8, n. 6, p. 436-445, 2019.

GORBUNOVA, I. B.; PLOTNIKOV, K. Y. Music-Related Educational Project for Contemporary General Music Education of Schoolchildren. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity, and Change, v. 9, n. 13, p. 683-699, 2019.

GORBUNOVA, I. B.; ZALIVADNY, M. S. Leonhard Euler’s Theory of Music: Its Present-Day Significance and Influence on Certain Fields of Musical Thought. Music Scholarship, v. 3, n. 36, p. 104-111, 2019. DOI: 10.17674/1997-0854.2019.3.104-111.

GORBUNOVA, I. B.; ZALIVADNY, M. S. The Integrative Model for the Semantic Space of Music: Perspectives of Unifying Musicology and Musical Education. Music Scholarship, v. 4, 55-64. 2018. DOI: 10.17674/1997-0854.2018.4.055-064.

HASTINGS, K. Anybody Can Play Soft Mozart in the Preschool: Learning to Learn Properly to Develop the Brain. In: GORBUNOVA, I. B. (Ed.). Contemporary Musical Education – 2014. Proceedings of the 13th International Research and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, 2018. p. 160-165.

HORITA, T. Trend and problems of informatization at school education. Japanese Journal of Music Education Practice, v. 11, n. 2, p. 6-13, 2014.

KING, A.; HIMONIDES, E.; RUTHMANN, S. A. (Ed.). The Routledge Companion to Music, Technology, and Education. New York and London: 10017, 2017.

LOZHAKOVA, E. A. Forming informational competence of future musicians in the process of teaching computer science bachelors. Dissertation of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Moscow, 2012.

NELIA, O.; BEAN, H. Efecto, Modernidad y Creación. In: GORBUNOVA, I. B. (Ed.). Contemporary Musical Education – 2014. Proceedings of the 13th International Research and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, 2014. p. 123-125.

PERMEZEL, T. Dispelling the myth of the exclusivity of musical literacy. In: GORBUNOVA, I. B. (Ed.). Contemporary Musical Education – 2014. Proceedings of the 13th International Research and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, 2014. p. 163-167.

PRIGOGINE, I. The Die Is Not Cast. Futures: Bulletin of the World Futures Studies Federation, v. 25, n. 4, p. 17-19, 2000.

RADIF, M.; MOHAMMED, N. A. Computer Science Teacher’s Perception and Needs towards E-Learning in Iraq. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, v. 54, n. 5, 2019. Available at: http://jsju.org/index.php/journal/article/view/412. Accessed on: Apr. 10, 2020.

SERGEEVA, M. G. et al. Building a Professional Career of a University Teacher Based on the Information Engineering. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, v. 54, n. 6, 2019. Available at: http://jsju.org/index.php/journal/article/view/483. Accessed on: Apr. 10, 2020

SOSNEVAS, S. Arten der Musikausbildung in Deutschland - Der Blick einer zertifizierten Soft Mozart Klavierlehrerin aus Berlin. In: GORBUNOVA, I. B. (Ed.). Contemporary Musical Education – 2018. Proceedings of the 17th International Research and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, 2018. p. 235-238.

WISE, S. Secondary school teachers' approaches to teaching composition using digital technology. British Journal of Music Education, v. 33, n. 3, p. 283-295, 2016.

ZHILYAEVA, N. Classes in music with children of various ages at home as an alternative to a music school in the USA. In: GORBUNOVA, I. B. (Ed.). Contemporary Musical Education – 2014. Proceedings of the 13th International Research and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, 2014. p. 137-141.



Como Citar

GORBUNOVA, I. B.; PANKOVA, A. A. Ensino de Ciência da Computação e Estudos de Tecnologia da Informação para alunos de especialidades musicais e pedagógicas. Educ. Form., [S. l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. e3350, 2020. DOI: 10.25053/redufor.v5i15set/dez.3350. Disponível em: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/redufor/article/view/3350. Acesso em: 21 jan. 2025.