Research production in the discipline of scientific method: use of electronic form in remote learning
Method Scientific, ResearchAbstract
This study is a report on experiences of using an electronic form in the teaching of the subject of Scientific Methodology in 2020, with eighth grade classes of elementary school, with the school community as the research audience, during remote teaching in the covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The objective was to carry out researches promoting scientific methodology, protagonism and citizenship through themes of interest to the students themselves, motivating digital inclusion and technologies in the educational process. It is concluded that the teaching of the Scientific Methodology subject was effective and satisfactory during the remote time with the use of electronic forms. It is estimated that the impact on students' learning has occurred significantly with the digital inclusion and technologies in the educational process, with the carrying out of researches promoting critical thinking, protagonism and in their citizenship, in addition to contributing to the formation and teaching practice.
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