Saef: assessment and monitoring of learning in municipal schools in Fortaleza, knowing to intervene




Keywords: Evaluation. Education. Monitoring. Teaching.



This article aims to reflect on the Elementary Education Assessment System (SAEF), developed to promote assessment and monitoring of learning in municipal schools in Fortaleza. Established by the Fortaleza Municipal Department of Education, the SAEF complements educational policies to improve education. Thus, we seek to reflect on the performance of SAEF and the fulfillment/realization of the “Knowledge to Intervene” workshop in promoting assessment and monitoring of learning to guarantee more efficient educational actions and practices. We carried out research using a qualitative approach, with contributions from researchers such as Dantas, Gandin, Hofer; Holzberger; Libâneo, Vianna, Soares and Sousa, and observation in practice, linked to semi-structured interviews with teachers and managers. Thus, we conclude that institutional evaluation alone is inefficient, but if accompanied by participatory planning it can favor the improvement of conditions and the teaching-learning process of students.


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Author Biographies

Diana Dantas Bezerra Mendes, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE)

Mestranda em Serviço Social pela UECE, Mestranda em Ciências da Educação - World University Ecumenical. Professora da rede municipal de Fortaleza desde 2001, atuando como professora do Atendimento Educacional Especializado.

Alessandra de Oliveira Maciel, Universidade estadual do Ceará (UECE)

PhD in education from the Postgraduate Program in Education at the State University of Ceará (2022), master in education from the Postgraduate Program in Education at the State University of Ceará (2018), specialist in Psychopedagogy (2001) from the State University of Ceará and Specialized Educational Service from the Federal University of Ceará and Specialized Educational Service from the Federal University of Ceará (2010) and a degree in Pedagogy (1998). She works as a Basic Education Teacher in the municipal education network of Fortaleza. Experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on Teacher Training and Assessment, also working on the following topics: Educational policy and legislation, Literacy, Teacher Training, Distance Education and Early Childhood Education. Member of the Instrument, Model and Policy Research Group in Educational Assessment (IMPA/UECE/CNPq) and member of the Editorial Board of IMPA Magazine. Participant of the Adipsieduc Research Group, which has contributed to training actions for researchers in the area together with associates from Angola, Brazil, Spain, Mozambique and Portugal.

Ana Alice Coutinho de Araújo, World University Ecumenical

Master's student in Educational Science at the World Ecumenical University. Graduated in Pedagogy from Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (2005), specialization in Psychopedagogy from Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (2009) and specialization in Neuropsychopedagogy from Faculdade do Maciço de Baturité (2019). She is currently a Specialized Educational Service Professor at the Municipal Department of Education of Fortaleza. He has experience in the field of Education.

Gláucia da Silva Pessoa Amâncio, Worl University Ecumenical

Master's student in Educational Sciences at the World Ecumenical university. He holds a degree in Pedagogy from the Vale do Acaraú State University (2002). She is currently a trainer in the context of the paic program - E.M ANTONIO SALES, school supervisor - E.M ANTONIO SALES e. She has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on Education and has a postgraduate degree in Participatory Management from UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO CEARÁ - UFC. AND TRAINING TRAINERS BY THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF CEARÁ -UECE.


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How to Cite

MENDES, D. D. B.; MACIEL, A. de O.; ARAÚJO, A. A. C. de; AMÂNCIO, G. da S. P. Saef: assessment and monitoring of learning in municipal schools in Fortaleza, knowing to intervene. Revista de Instrumentos, Modelos e Políticas em Avaliação Educacional, [S. l.], v. 4, p. e023008, 2023. DOI: 10.51281/impa.e023008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.