The role of the school as an instrument to combat linguistic prejudice




Culture, Sociolinguistics, Social, Preconception


The aim of this work was to develop a discussion about sociolinguistics, in addition to understanding and linguistic prejudice, in addition to understanding the school’s influence in combating linguistic prejudice. The methodology used was the bibliographic review, where works that deal with this theme were analuzed. It is the duty of the school, as a scientific, human and social training tool to make students awere of language formation, as the way of speaking often has an intrinsic relationshio with the culture of each region. Furthermore, the teacher must be aware of showing students that although there is a cultures language, there are other lingistic manifestations that are formed within the culture and customs of each one. However, in order to reduce linguistic discrimination, it appears that the first step is to raise awareness about the variety of language manifestations, which must be respected in order to reduce social segregation.


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Author Biography

Maria Luciléia Gonçalves da Silva, Universidade Regional do Cariri

Graduanda em Letras pela Universidade Regional do Cariri – URCA/CE. Realiza pesquisas nas áreas da sociolingüística, Escola e comunicação, aspectos socioculturais da educação e avaliação escolar.


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How to Cite

SILVA, M. L. G. da. The role of the school as an instrument to combat linguistic prejudice. Educational Practices, Memories and Oralities, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. e324614, 2021. DOI: 10.47149/pemo.v3i2.4614. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.