Challenges found by teachers in Science and Biology teaching during pandemic in the city of Cedro-CE
Social isolation, Emergency remote teaching, Teaching practice, COVID-19Abstract
In the educational scenario of the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency remote teaching (ERE) was given as a solution for students and teachers to continue with teaching activities. Therefore, this work aims to analyze the perception of Science and Biology teachers in the city of Cedro-CE about the pedagogical practice developed during this historical period. The research is characterized as descriptive and qualitative in nature. Initially, an online questionnaire was applied, about the experience of 07 Science and Biology teachers from schools in the city of Cedro-CE during the ERE. The data was analyzed based on Gibbs (2009) content analysis. The results showed that there are benefits (such as the diversity of teaching resources, the improvement of teaching techniques, among others) and difficulties in remote teaching (the lack of internet for students, the lack of feedback from students and the lack of training for the use of technological tools).
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