The use of digital platforms in the teaching of Mathematics at the Federal Institute of Piauí - Campus Cocal
Digital Platforms, Mathematics teaching, Possibilities, ChallengesAbstract
The study aims to analyze the potentialities and limitations of the use of digital platforms in the process of teaching and mathematical learning by students of the 2nd year of high school integrated into the technical course in Administration of the Federal Institute of Piauí - Cocal Campus. Digital platforms are the instruments by which technologies are transmitted to individuals, whether for social interaction or as formative elements. The study has a quantitative character, represented by statistical methods and techniques, as well as a qualitative bias, through the analysis and interpretation of the data, based on guiding theoretical references. It is evident that digital platforms have enhanced a better understanding of the mathematical contents addressed, in addition to encouraging autonomy and diverse forms of study. As limiting factors, the question regarding the internet connection and the physical absence of a teacher in the explanation of the mathematical contents is exposed.
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