Avaliação em tempos de ensino remoto relato de experiência de um processo avaliativo na pós-graduação
Assessment, Padlet, Formation, Postgraduate studiesAbstract
The educational environment, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is undergoing significant changes. This study aims to report the evaluative experience lived in a discipline of the Graduate Program in Education at the State University of Ceará. The discipline Training of Physical Education and Sports Professionals was taught from April 6 to June 29, 2021, based on reflection and the dialogic context. For their evaluation process, students were asked to participate in a collaborative mural, the padlet platform. The strategy was seen as positive by the students, highlighting as results the opportunity to experiment with new technological tools, the contributions of colleagues on the platform, which allowed new perspectives on the themes and the stimulus to creativity provided by the dynamics of the tool associated with the commands of each pad. We believe that this strategy enabled collaborative work and interaction and knowledge sharing.
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