The evaluation process in the History of Mathematics discipline at UECE: linking theory and practice in teacher training
Assessment, Curricular Discipline, History of Mathematics, Mathematics DegreeAbstract
The History of Mathematics subject on the Mathematics degree course at the State University of Ceará, Itaperi campus, was Mathematics course at the State University of Ceará, Itaperi campus, was included in the syllabus in 2008, when it began to be discussed in the context ofMathematics teacher training. In 2019, with the reformulation of the course's Project, the subject was restructured. However, there is no mention in this document about the assessment of undergraduates. assessment of undergraduates. With this in mind, this study aims to describe instruments used in the History of Mathematics subject. To this end, it uses a qualitative, bibliographical and descriptive approach, based on the subject teachers' planning, the assessment instruments instruments observed in this research were Thematic Seminars, Analytical Reports Analytical Report, Test and Mock Jury. It is therefore considered that there is no there is no ideal instrument for assessing knowledge, but rather a necessary different ways of assessing, which can cover different functions.
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