Assessment in the GPEHM’s Teacher Training Program: influences on the construction of mathematical knowledge
Educational Assessment, Teacher Training, University ExtensionAbstract
The training of teachers who teach mathematics has been a constant theme of research in Mathematics Education, understanding that the articulation between teaching, research and extension is essential for promoting the knowledge necessary for teaching. Therefore, the Research Group on Education and History of Mathematics (GPEHM) developed the Teacher Training Program (PFD), which offers university extension courses for teachers who teach mathematics in initial or continuing training. Thus, this research aims to understand the role of evaluative actions developed in extension courses promoted by PFD/GPEHM for the perception of the construction of mathematical knowledge. To this end, a qualitative approach and documentary research procedures are used. With this, it was observed that assessments are used in diagnostic, formative and summative modalities, which enable knowledge of teachers' needs and allow the construction and reframing of mathematical knowledge.
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