From epistemology to sociological pragmatism: towards an assessment of knowledge production




Construction of Knowledge, Pragmatism, Rationalism


This article established a dialogue on epistemology and evaluates how knowledge production is apprehended in the social sciences, approaching sociological pragmatism to contribute to a more creative and innovative construction of wisdom by questioning rationalism. This literature review debated with authors such as Bachelard, Popper, Kuhn, Agambem, Joas, and Boltanski. The studies agree that scientific knowledge is meant to be questioned/renewed. They see that wisdom produced by non-specialists contributes to the dynamics of knowledge innovation, which is the European sociological pragmatism case, inspired by the Chicago school. It is concluded that pragmatism makes it possible to deconstruct the hierarchy existing in the production of science and to observe that rationalism limits this production by disregarding the body and emotions as constituents of social logic. More studies are needed to make it possible to break, more broadly, with the dualisms of body-mind and reason-emotion, fostering a more creative scientific production.


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Author Biography

Natalia Heringer Mendonça, Université de Strasbourg

Mestra em Ciências Sociais e Ética pela Universidade de Estrasburgo-FR, graduada em Ciências Sociais (habilitação em Antropologia) pela Universidade de Brasília-UnB, atua remotamente em juizado de violência doméstica do TJDFT.


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How to Cite

MENDONÇA, N. H. From epistemology to sociological pragmatism: towards an assessment of knowledge production. Revista de Instrumentos, Modelos e Políticas em Avaliação Educacional, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 3, p. e022018, 2023. DOI: 10.51281/impa.e022018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.