Diagnostic evaluation in elementary school early years: experience report on an intervention in Portuguese in the municipal education network of Caxingó/PI
Diagnostic Evaluation, Elementary School, Portuguese language, Methodological referralsAbstract
The article critically analyzes the diagnostic assessment of Portuguese Language adopted by the municipality of Caxingó in the Early Years of Elementary School, as well as addressing the role of assessment in society as an instrument to guide the teacher's pedagogical practice in view of the results obtained. The reality of this work is pertinent for contributing to a reflection on the intervention of educational institutions, in this case the Pedagogical Coordination of Teaching/Learning of the Municipal Department of Education, in presenting specific methodological guidelines relevant to the transformation of reality. As a methodology, we will analyze the results of the diagnostic evaluations applied by SEMEC in the 2nd and 5th municipal public schools in 2019, the main proposed methodological guidelines will be presented in this article, and we will still wait for the second application of the diagnostic evaluation in November of this year to conclusions of this research.
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