(Auto)biographical writings: the use of podcasts as a tool in teacher education
Formação de Professores, Podcast, Relato de experiênciaAbstract
The pandemic period caused by COVID-19 induce a large migration to virtual environments, leading people to adapt and find new ways to deepen their knowledge. Considering the use of virtuals/digitals instruments and the difficulties for studying at home, as a result of social isolation, this work aims to report the experience as producer/mediator of a podcast aimed at the dissemination and discussion of academic and scientific productions with a focus in teacher training. Its methodology is guided by the qualitative approach (MINAYO; DESLANDES; GOMES, 2009) and its classification is guided by the (auto)biographical method (NÓVOA; FINGER, 2014). It presents a discussion focusing on the knowledge of experience within a reflexivity and considers contextualizations of these experiences with pre-established academic and scientific productions. It has results that enable the resignification of experience and self-reflection as significant actions in teacher education.
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