Let’s play circus
body “in art” in preschool
Children, Circus Activities, Pedagogy, ArtAbstract
The circus is an artistic-cultural manifestation capable of embracing different social spheres such as artistic, therapeutic, social, leisure, educational, physical conditioning, and has been attracting the attention of professionals from multiple areas. At this juncture, circus education has been taking place in different social contexts, including early childhood education, with the participation of an increasingly larger and more diverse audience. Therefore, this research aims to understand how schools and teachers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, organize the knowledge of the circus and how they are applied into their work plan. To this end, we intend to carry out a field research that will include direct observation and recording of both classes and activities in Field Journal as well as semi-structured interviews with the leading teachers and coordinators of the schools. The information obtained was interpreted in a qualitative way, using the Thematic Categorical Analysis methodology. We noticed the presence of games and playfulness, storytelling and artistic presentations in all participating schools, important strategies that show us specificities with the approach, material, spaces and circus contente for this age group.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ellen Yukari Maruyama Tengan, Marco Antonio Coelho Bortoleto
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