Narrative about the creation of the Presidente Kennedy Indigenous State School in the Community of Caju-Uiramutã-RR
Presidente Kennedy Indigenous State School. Indigenous education. Oral HistoryAbstract
The objective of the research is to describe the results obtained from bibliographical, documentary and field research at the Presidente Kennedy Indigenous State School in the Caju-Uiramutã-RR Community. Using the semi-structured interview with two community members as a data collection technique, the “Oral History” was used. Thus, the indigenous themselves narrated and documented their history. The justification is the understanding of the educational context of the Indigenous Community of Caju that seeks historical and sociological knowledge about the Macuxi people. The categories of analysis were: indigenous education and history of education. Therefore, the study carried out in the researched school shows a privileged space that contributes to the formation of the Caju community, based on the experience of students and teachers. It is concluded that the study is relevant in what corresponds to the recognition and appreciation of indigenous schools, in the autonomy and construction of knowledge, in addition to contributing to the process of collective construction of the community.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Denize Pereira da Silva, Karla Colares Vasconcelos, Sérgio Luiz Lopes (Autor)
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