Masculinization through teaching: school education for adolescents in the state of Paraná during the dictatorship (1977-1984)




Gender, History of Education, Educational orientation


This work aims to analyze the reverberations of the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education nº. 5,692, of August 11, 1971 (LDB nº. 5,692/1971) in the activities carried out by the Educational Guidance Service (SOE), at Escola Tiradentes, located in Curitiba, between the years 1977-1984). From LDB nº. 5.692/1971 training for work made technical education compulsory. The “aptitude survey” was the way found to supposedly guide students towards their professional choice, but it also served as a strong reinforcement of gender distinctions historically constructed along with a moral discourse in the training of students. Through intersectionality studies raised by Creshaw (2004) and moral panic studies developed by Giddens and Sitton (2016), I investigate the documents of the aforementioned institution. I believe that together with these observations, the teaching proposal of the time and the reflections in the history of education can be understood.


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Author Biography

Jorge Luiz Zaluski, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Professor Adjunto do departamento de história da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, campus São Cristóvão. Doutor em História pelo programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade do estado de Santa Catarina, Udesc. Integrante do Grupo de Trabalho de História da Infância e da Juventude – Anpuh/BR.


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How to Cite

ZALUSKI, J. L. Masculinization through teaching: school education for adolescents in the state of Paraná during the dictatorship (1977-1984). Educational Practices, Memories and Oralities, [S. l.], v. 5, p. e11416, 2023. DOI: 10.47149/pemo.v5.e11416. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.