Coffee with cinnamon from the perspective of black cinema and cultural history
Black Cinema, Death, Mourning, Cotidiano, Recôncavo BaianoAbstract
This article aims, based on the 2017 film "Café com Canela", directed by Ary Rosa and Glenda Nicácio, to weave under the lens of Black Cinema, with direction, screenwriting and interpretation by black people and the Newest Brazilian Cinema, with a focus on regional social realist aspects, the educational character of this production involves in generational and gender aspects, in multiple temporalities, the plot offers insights into the daily life of the Recôncavo Baiano region and sensitivities about death, mourning, affections, and disaffection. Under the Cultural History analysis methodology, the film was subdivided into parts: the first, screening to 10 spectators selected for the study, the second, decoupage or decomposition of the scenes for description, and the third, reconstruction for the understanding of the relations between the elements and interpretation of the researchers and co-participants. The contribution was the understanding of cinema as a record/document of history and the proof of its nature educational for discussions about the humanization of Brazilian people.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sheila Cristina Silva Aragão Caetano, Rosana Maria Barbato Schwartz, João Clemente de Souza Neto (Autor)
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