Life and death in the feminine: discourses in the order of patriarchy
Patriarchy, Power, Feminicide, Culpability, SpeechAbstract
The cases of feminicides in Brazil are old and recurrent, and the social discourses that surround them continue to be worrisome, because they still and currently revolve around the guilt of the woman (victim). The objective of this work is to discuss how the discourses are inserted and maintained in the systems of a chauvinistic and patriarchal society that support the guilt of women. The corpus of this work is composed of comments (statements) by internet users who follow the page @anapolis.noticias_ on the social network Instagram that were published in two news stories this year. For this, we resorted to the theoretical postulates on discourse and power of the French philosopher Michel Foucault.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Eliézer Reis Vicente, Ellen Risia de Siqueira Freitas
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