Gender, intersectionality and history teaching
National Common Curriculum Base (BNCC), History teaching, IntersectionalityAbstract
This text investigated the reverberations of the National Curricular Common Base (BNCC) in the National Didactic Book Plan (PLND) for the teaching of history. It was investigated about the impacts of the curricular reformulation for subjects related to gender studies, ethnic-racial relations and indigenous population. For this, the studies of intersectionality, Crenshaw (2009), curriculum, by Sacristán (2013), Gabriel (2019), Monteiro & Penna (2011), and historical awareness by Jörn Rüsen (2011) were used as theoretical and methodological references. In view of the relevance of the issues mentioned, it was noticed that, from the BNCC, there was a fragmentation of the contents, especially of the themes that approach the studies of gender, ethnic-racial relations and indigenous population.
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