Knowledge of regular and specialized teachers: legislation, medicalization and relationships with the family in school inclusion
Inclusion, Medicalization, Learning problemsAbstract
The present papper deals with the challenge of the educational inclusion process as a central theme. This study seeks to analyze the perception of Specialized Educational Support and coordination teachers regarding inclusion practices at school, in consideration the specialism, teaching knowledge, the right to use the resource room in the context of the public school of a municipality in Greater SP. The method used to carry out the field research was qualitative research, having as an instrument semi-structured interviews with the coordination and SES teachers who work in the elementary school of a municipal public school. The analysis of the material collected in the field will be based on content analysis, comparing field materials and the theoretical framework adopted by the authors. The partial results indicate that the school inclusion process is still considered difficult for teachers and coordinators. There is a need to discuss the democratic school, the right to education, affirmative actions and policies in relation to the PWD student, in addition to topics such as the diagnosis of children, also the systematization of public policies and the involvement of families in the inclusion process.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Cristina Miyuki Hashizume, Claudia de Matos Pereira
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