Re-educating for a Culture of peace: an experience in Basic Education in the northeast of Pará
Reeducation, Interpersonal Relations, Culture of Peace.Abstract
With the purpose of propagating ideas and values that support human relationships, under the influence of the reality of the post-pandemic context permeated by conflicts, the question was: what actions can reflect positively on interpersonal relationships in the school environment? The proposal aimed to promote a more harmonious approach between teachers, students and school management in a school context of violence and personal conflicts present in educational institutions in some municipalities in the northeast of Pará. This is an explanatory research, of a qualitative nature, developed through lectures and dynamics on reflective themes regarding divergences that occur in everyday school life, based on López (2007), Reeve (2019), Diskin and Roizman (2021), among others, who lead reflection about the theme. To collect information were used, videos, slides, dynamics, music and stories. As a reflection of the actions, self-recognition, change of attitude, acceptance of differences, dialogue and improvements in coexistence.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Aldilene Ferreira Simões Brito, Maria Eliana Soares Soares, Niclécia Maria Neves Amorim Lopes (Autor)
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