Educar pela pesquisa: ensaio sobre a articulação das atividades práticas desenvolvidas no laboratório de ciências
Teaching practice. , Science education. , Technology.Abstract
This production presents a brief account of the experience of using research skills and the importance of scientific practices in the context of the pedagogical and learning activities used at the Josefa Alves Bezerra EEMTI, and in particular the activities adopted in the Science Educational Laboratory. To construct the report, academic research tools appropriate to the objectives of the work were used. The aim is to study how teaching through research is reflected in the educational practice of EEMTI Josefa Alves Bezerra. The study was constructed by investigating the state of the art in pedagogical practice, seeking to reflect on its importance as a learning method. To present the results, qualitative research was used to investigate the quality of the results observed and the construction of the students' scientific trajectory in the productions developed at the school and presented at scientific events. Based on the findings, it is possible to reflect on the need to strengthen research practices with financial and personnel support, produce scientific knowledge to debate teaching and learning, strengthen practice and technological knowledge, as well as recognizing the skills and competences already developed and which justify the presence of scientific research in the school life of the institution.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Francisco Karisson Chagas Lima, Josefa Lúcia Morais Silva , Gerardo Xavier de Lima Junior (Autor)
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