About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal "Práticas Educativas, Memórias e Oralidades" (Rev.Pemo) is an interdisciplinary periodical in the humanities field, endorsed by the Publisher of the State University of Ceará (EdUECE). It is associated with the research group of the same name - PEMO, certified by CNPQ and linked to the Graduate Program of the State University of Ceará (PPGE/UECE). Its aim is to publish original articles and pedagogical products, both national and international, derived from academic research results that contribute to the advancement of knowledge or improve life in society.

The scientific articles, resulting from empirical research or literature reviews, and the pedagogical products (technical/technological) emphasize the field of humanities in an interdisciplinary manner, considering teaching and learning, and contribute to expanding knowledge regarding the qualification of educational practices and the valorization of memories and oralities of students and teachers in basic and higher education. It values education and teaching by disseminating knowledge in the interface of various disciplines such as Pedagogy, History, Literature, Geography, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Visual Arts, and related fields.

The target audience of "Práticas Educativas, Memórias e Oralidades" includes researchers in the humanities field, teachers in basic and higher education, students, and other professionals interested in the mentioned topics.

"Práticas Educativas, Memórias e Oralidades" is published in Portuguese, in an online version, and accepts submissions in Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish on a rolling basis. Starting from 2023, all articles are published bilingually, with a priority given to English as the second language.

Peer Review Process and Criteria

Received articles will be initially reviewed by the scientific editor, who will conduct an initial screening to assess compliance with the journal's guidelines, focus, and scope. Texts that meet the norms and objectives of "Práticas Educativas, Memórias e Oralidades" will be forwarded to doctoral researchers from different educational and research institutions, preferably affiliated with Graduate Programs in Education, as ad hoc reviewers, based on their competence in the evaluated article's subject/theme. This process ensures a double-blind peer review. At this stage, reviewers from institutions different from the author(s) of the submission will declare the absence of any conflicts of interest and their availability or non-availability to carry out the evaluation. In case of declination, another reviewer will be added to perform the evaluation task.

The identities of authors and reviewers are revealed to make the process more transparent and democratic. Additionally, the journal aims to adhere to the principles of open science.

For the final acceptance of an article, double approval is required. In case of disagreement in the double-blind review, the submission will be sent to a third ad hoc reviewer for the necessary resolution.

After this evaluation phase, the authors will be notified of all the ad hoc reviewers' opinions received. Articles approved without reservations will be directly sent to the managing editor, who may request adjustments to enhance the content of the publication or proceed with the editing without remarks. If the text requires modifications, the proposed changes will be sent to the authors, who will decide whether to agree to implement them to continue the evaluation process or not, based on the suggestions of the ad hoc reviewers, within the deadline defined by the editor. In case of unresolved disagreements in the recommendations or the absence of author response, the article will be archived. However, if the recommendations are accepted, the modifications made to the text should be highlighted for verification by the scientific editor, who will confirm whether the requested changes have been addressed or not, and make the final decision on the publication of the article.

The names of the reviewers, as well as the authors for approved texts, will be disclosed upon article publication to the reading community. Thus, the reviewers give prior consent to the disclosure of their names after the evaluation process is completed.

Once the evaluation is completed, the administrative editor forwards the article to each member of the technical team, coordinating the final editing process. The administrative editor oversees the similarity check on Ithenticate, linguistic correction, and normalization according to ABNT standards, layout, translation, XML markup, Crossmark activation, metadata deposit, DOI assignment, and publication.

All final versions of the files are sent for the authors' validation, who may request minor adjustments.

The evaluation process is expected to take up to 6 (six) months. If it is not possible to find reviewers to provide feedback within this timeframe, a member of the editorial committee takes responsibility for the urgent review.

Members of the scientific committee and editors are not prohibited from publishing in the journal because it is understood that they are references in their field of expertise, and their research is valuable contributions to Rev.Pemo. In this specific case, the evaluation management is assigned to a member of the editorial board from a different country than the author, after signing a declaration of no conflict of interest and a commitment to ensure the absence of any intervention.


Since 2022, Rev.Pemo adopts a rolling publication model. This means that as articles are approved and edited, they are published without backlog.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate open and free access to its content, following the principle that the free availability of scientific knowledge to the public promotes greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

Privacy Policy

Authors retain unrestricted copyright to their texts. The Rev.Pemo journal recommends that the full republication of articles should not be carried out, and in case of the partial publication of the content, it should only be done three years after its publication in Rev.Pemo, with reference to the electronic address of this journal where it was first published. The General Data Protection Law is respected. Therefore, to have unrestricted access to the journal, it is necessary to agree with the cookie policy, which uses Google Analytics for collecting statistical access data. The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Digital Preservation Policy
LOCKSSThe Rev.Pemo article files are preserved by storing them in the LOCKSS system, and in CARINIANA - Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services. There is also storage on the server of the State University of Ceará, in addition to preservation on external hard disk in the Graduate Program in Education and in the Drive of the institutional e-mail of the journal.
Interoperability protocol
Rev.Pemo is hosted on the OJS/PKP platform and uses the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting - OAI-PMH interoperability protocol. 
History of the journal
Rev.Pemo was created in 2019, through the articulation between the members of the research groups Educational Practices, Memories and Oralities, who sought to expand the network of relationships and exchange of knowledge and experiences with other university and basic education teachers, graduate and undergraduate students, and other teachers interested in the educational field. The publication was four-monthly, with three issues per year.
With the rapid growth of the flow in Rev.Pemo, its internationalization, and the recognition by the State University of Ceará of its relevance, financial support was obtained and a major restructuring took place.
In 2021, from the third issue on, it started publishing articles also in XML language.  From 2022 on, it started to publish in continuous flow, in a bilingual way, prioritizing English as the second language. It received its first evaluation in the Qualis Capes, for the four-year period 2017-2020, in the stratum A3.
Supported by
Rev.Pemo is financed by the Research Group Práticas Educativas, Memórias e Oralidades, linked to the Universidade Estadual do Ceará, which values the free dissemination of knowledge with free access to readers, including the promotion of scientific dissemination in open access.
APCs (Article Processing Charges) and Submission Fee 
Rev.Pemo does not charge authors any kind of fee for submission, evaluation and editing of the text. The journal is responsible for the free evaluation, Ithenticat consistency check, Portuguese coloring, ABNT standardization, layout, XML tagging, and DOI assignment. However, the cost of the translation (bilingual publication starting in 2022) is the responsibility of the authors and has a fixed cost of R$ 300.00 (three hundred reais).
Policy against plagiarism, Declaration of Ethics and Misconduct
Rev.Pemo complies with COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines, which aim to encourage identification of plagiarism, malpractice, fraud, possible ethics violations, and prosecution.
All texts are inspected in an anti-plagiarism program called Similarity Check, by Ithenticat: https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/
In compliance with the ethical aspects we request that the authors
  1. Visit the COPE website http://publicationethics.org, which contains information for authors and editors about research ethics;
  2. In the case of research involving human subjects, please forward, in a supplementary document, the Terms of Free and Informed Consent - TCLE, corresponding to the research subjects or the approval opinion of the ethics committee;
  3. Ensure that articles containing data acquisition or analysis and interpretation of data from other publications are explicitly referenced; when writing articles containing a critical review of the intellectual content of other authors, these should be duly cited; all authors must meet the criteria of unpublished authorship of the article and none of the researchers involved in the research may be omitted from the list of authors.
In case of errata and retractions, they will be published according to the Guide for the registration and publication of Errata in SciELO, according to the retraction policy of Rev.Pemo available at: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/revpemo/retratacao.
The journal is committed to transparency in its publication. Therefore, authors are asked to inform the source of funding for their research (if any) and to declare that there is no conflict of interest in the production and dissemination of the study. Articles should be published to increase knowledge in the field of Education and to reverberate in the improvement of life in society, not to prioritize private interests, laboratories, or companies.
The editors, advisors, reviewers, and technical staff commit themselves by express declaration to the confidentiality of the information contained in the research data and articles submitted for possible publication. Even adhoc reviewers are required to declare absence of conflict of interest and commitment to confidentiality of information handled in the review before receiving the originals.