Anthropogenic impacts on the mangrove ecosystem at Requenguela beach, in the municipality of Icapuí – CE




Mangrove, Recovery, Anthropization


The work aims to identify the main anthropogenic actions that degrade and unbalance the environment, especially on the mangrove ecosystem, in addition to presenting a proposal for the recovery of a mangrove forest fragment from Requenguela beach, in the municipality of Icapuí-CE, State of Ceará, Brazil. In order to identify and analyze the anthropic actions, a field visit was carried out to verify the preponderant factors for the environmental degradation of the studied ecosystem. It should be noted that the area intensely antropizada in this beach has an extension of approximately 12.86 hectares, where 213 units of planting will be implanted in the model in "islands" in all extension, like proposal for recovery, being each one of these composed by 63 seedlings of black and white mangrove. It is also worth noting that a "Planting of Seeds" was proposed for this study on the edge of the consolidated vegetation and in the drier area to maximize the efforts and promote a faster recovery of the area. To the edge of the mangrove will be inserted 5,760 seedlings of red mangrove, totaling a planting of 19,179 seedlings throughout the area. The planting cycle of the seedlings will have a time interval of four months, as this is the period necessary to start the preparation of the seedlings until they develop and are capable of being planted. Considering a field survival rate of 10% of the seedlings it would take approximately 15 years for the whole area to be covered by established seedlings and thus promote the recovery of the dynamics of the local ecosystem.


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Author Biographies

Álvaro Andrade Dourado, Pesquisador autônomo

Engenheiro Ambiental e Sanitarista pela UNIFOR. Mestrando em Geografia pela UVA Sobral.

Caike Silva Cândido Damasceno, Pesquisador autônomo

Engenheiro Ambiental e Sanitarista pela UNIFOR. Especialista em Geoprocessamento e Sensoriamento Remoto pela UECE.

Irla Gonçalves Barbosa, Consultora Independente

Geóloga pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Mestrado em Geologia pela Universidade do Ceará (UFC).

Gleiber Chagas da Silva, Consultora Independente

Geólogo pela Universidade Federal do Ceará; Mestre em Geotecnia (UFC) e Especialista em Engenharia de Petróleo pela Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR).

Márcia Thelma Rios Donato Marino, Consultora Independente

Graduação em Geologia pela Universidade de Fortaleza (1984).  Aperfeiçoamento em Mapeamento Geológico pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (1985). Mestrado em Geologia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (2004). Doutorado em Geologia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (2014). 


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How to Cite

DOURADO, Álvaro A.; DAMASCENO, C. S. C.; BARBOSA, I. G.; SILVA, G. C. da; MARINO, M. T. R. D. Anthropogenic impacts on the mangrove ecosystem at Requenguela beach, in the municipality of Icapuí – CE. Educational Practices, Memories and Oralities, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 3, p. e337176, 2021. DOI: 10.47149/pemo.v3i3.7176. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.



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