How to write a systematic experience report? Methodological contributions
Experience report, Scientific writing, MethodologyAbstract
Experience reports constitute an essential part of qualitative research; however, they are often insufficiently systematized, impacting internal validity and prompting peer inquiries. In this context, we inquire: Could a systematization be proposed for the development of experience report research? This study aims to advocate for the systematization of experience reports as a scientific method, with a secondary objective of presenting minimal guidelines for the scientific writing of an experience report using the scientific method. We choose to guide the discussion based on the internal validity of qualitative research, intertwining with other methods and techniques to guide the logical and formal aspects in light of scientific and methodological literature. As a result, dissecting each aspect of scientific communication, we propose a systematic method for writing experience reports, providing support for data collection, data analysis, and the composition of scientific communication.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jeferson Antunes, Cicero Magerbio Gomes Torres, Francione Charapa Alves, Zuleide Fenandes de Queiroz (Autor)

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