From a blank page to defense: challenges in preparing an Undergraduate Final Paper
Academic writing, Research, Science, Human Sciences, Undergraduate thesisAbstract
The general purpose of this text is to offer additional intakes to assist undergraduate students in writing their Undergraduate thesis projects. From this general objective, we develop the following specific objectives: (1) to present assistance for the first steps into reflecting upon the interest for a theme; (2) to approach the basic elements for structuring a Final paper; (3) to list ideas and strategies to optimize the work’s writing; (4) to present suggestions for the presentation of said paper in front of an examination board. This article is based on a review of academic literature that focuses on that theme and is justified by taking into consideration the practical experiences of the authors. This experience has led to the recognition of the lack of some important steps in undergraduate courses, which often appear as an obstacle not only to the proper development of Final papers written by students, but also to a potential continuation of those students in a post-graduate level.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Bruno Mello Souza, Lucianne Carvalho Correia Duque (Autor)
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