Intermunicipal migration in the Mesoregion of Southern Ceará in the periods 1995-2000 and 2005-2010
Migration, Selection bias, Migrant profile, Selectivity of the migrant, Determinants of migrationAbstract
This study aimed to measure the flow of population migration between the municipalities of the southern region of Ceará in the period 1995-2000 and 2005-2010, to identify the determinants and to test the hypothesis of selectivity. The microdata of the Demographic Censuses of 2000 and 2010 were used considering the concept of migrant by fixed date, that is, where the individual resided five years before the application of the Census. An extended mincerian equation was estimated with the correction of the sample bias to test the hypothesis of the selectivity of the migrant. Finally, a logit model was also estimated with bias correction to identify the determining factors in the migration decision. It was identified that the three most populous municipalities of the Southern Region of Ceará had positive net balances in both periods. The selectivity hypothesis was accepted indicating, as in the literature, that the migrant is a positively selected individual. On average the migrant has a wage differential of around 10% due to the unobservable characteristics. The results suggest that any policies to avoid the escape of human capital in the less populous municipalities of the region should focus on creating more opportunities for more educated young people.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Anderson Avelino Lopes, Wellington Ribeiro Justo, Matheus Oliveira de Alencar

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