The personality construct in a cognitive behavioral therapy perspective

Considerations of psychological assessment models




Personality Assessment, Psychopathologies, Intervention techniques


The personality construct has been studied by areas that seek to understand human behavior. The notion of personality has undergone significant changes through construction process, reflecting complexity. Human behavior is influenced by a set of factorsthat shape it, whether anthropological or cultural, socio-economic, biological or physiological and psychological. In this direction, the personality develops throughout life, being influenced by biopsychosocial factors, having points of stability and changes throughout the life cycle. When thinking about personality in two idiographic and nomothetic approaches, we recognize the dimensions that start from the particular, but that consider the collective dimension. The main objective of this study was to present the personality construct from a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) perspective and the considerations of psychological assessment models, in addition to presenting the definitions of the construct and its dimensions. Knowledge of the personality construct influences the assessment of human behavior and CBT interventions can help professionals to develop increasingly efficient intervention strategies. Based on the studies presented, it is concluded that the understanding of personality hassignificant impacts on the development of effective instruments and interventions.


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How to Cite

Costa MSA, Rocha AS. The personality construct in a cognitive behavioral therapy perspective: Considerations of psychological assessment models. Dialog Interdis Psiq S Ment [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];1(1):15-22. Available from: