The impact of Housing First implementation on the mental health of homeless people

a systematic review




Homeless person, Mental disorder, Housing First


Introduction: Mental disorders are very prevalent health problems in homeless people and correspond to one of the main barriers to monitoring and helping this population. The Housing First (HF) model has proven to be an innovative and effective proposal to improve the approach and follow-up of patients. Objective: To present a synthesis of the knowledge about the impact that HF can provide on the lives of homeless people with mental disorders. Evaluating its contribution in better monitoring and treatment of psychiatric conditions. Methodology: Systematic review of the literature carried out in the Medline, Cochrane, LILACS and Google Scholar databases, selecting 18 clinical trials. Results: There was no consensus on all the criteria evaluated when relating HF and the mental health of homeless people. Regarding psychiatric symptoms, treatment adherence and the number and period of hospitalizations, direct or indirect improvements were found in the HF group. Regarding substance use, there was no consensus among the articles evaluated. Concerning suicidal ideation, there was no significant improvement. Conclusion: More studies are still needed in the area due to lack of consensus in the results, but according to the analyzed articles, the HF has shown to be promising in providing greater autonomy to users, which is one of the main means for improving the quality of life and mental health. The relationship between home stability and mental health is evident, so the choice of HF must be seen from a public health perspective and not just as an urban and social problem.


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How to Cite

Leal FM, D’Almeida ACT, Brunocilla G, Cardoso LM, Camarotto MM. The impact of Housing First implementation on the mental health of homeless people: a systematic review. Dialog Interdis Psiq S Ment [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 5 [cited 2024 Jul. 19];2(2):e11604. Available from: