The activity-affectivity relationship in the initial education of a French teacher
Affects, Teacher education, Activity Clinic, Student teacherAbstract
The affectivity of the worker and their intellect walk together, therefore, it is relevant to take into account the importance of affections for the work activity. In this perspective, the present article aims to investigate how a student teacher is affected in her teaching practice, identify the factors that interfere/act in this affectation, and understand how this teacher is affected in her training when facing herself. To do so, we resorted to theoretical principles of Activity Ergonomics; Activity Clinic; Spinoza's theory of affections; and Bakhtin and the Circle's philosophy of language. This investigation is a piece of a research on teaching activity and teacher training conducted with two French student teachers at a public university, between 2011 and 2013. This study brings classroom situations and simple self-confrontations (ACS) with one of the participants. Based on ACS dialogues, we analyze statements that indicate affectation of the student teacher in her activity and in her training. In our analyses, we noticed that the student teacher suffers a decrease in her power to act, having her activity amputated as a result of working with a class that presents some challenges; at the same time, we observed an increase in her power to act as a student, since she sees herself capable of changing situations in the classroom in which she finds herself as a student, and, from there, she discovers a new way of being a teacher after confronting herself.
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