Internationalization of Education in the Global South
A Dialogue with Prof. Kleber Aparecido da Silva
Internationalization, Education, Global SouthAbstract
This text is the result of an interview made by the Advisor of Extension and International Relations of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Samuel de Carvalho Lima, with the researcher/professor of the Post-Graduation Program in Linguistics of the University of Brasília (UnB), Kleber Aparecido da Silva. Three questions were proposed, by e-mail, to the Researcher/Professor. The questions dealt with the following themes: (1) the relationship between the internationalization of education in the Global South, critical education and translanguaging; (2) the challenges for the development of the internationalization of an educational institution in Brazil; (3) the impacts resulting from the internationalization of an educational institution in the Global South. The questions and answers were organized in sections in this order, giving a dimension, from the perspective of Applied Linguistics, of contemporary problematizations that help us move towards the construction of a more participatory identity of Brazil and the Global South in the international context.
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