Formation of Language Teachers in Roraima
From Extended Linguistic Education to the New Epistemologies
Teacher training, Curricular reform, Linguistic superdiversityAbstract
With two international borders and more than 10 indigenous ethnic groups inhabiting the territory of Roraima, local schools are crossed by the linguistic-cultural contacts of students of different nationalities and ethnicities. In the border municipalities of the state there was always the presence of foreign and indigenous students who attend not only schools in the indigenous communities, but also in urban areas. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the need for a curricular reformulation of the degrees in Language offered in Roraima, so they can provide an extended linguistic education (CAVALCANTI, 2013) to native and additional language teachers. Such concern with the training of language teachers is urgent, especially after the increase in the transnational migration of Venezuelans, in addition to the already existing difficulty of teachers to deal with the complex sociolinguistic reality in which learners are inserted. For this, we used a qualitative approach, with analysis of the curricular grades of the Language courses at the State and Federal Universities of Roraima. The theoretical framework of this research is affiliated with Applied Linguistics and the new epistemologies arising from decolonial theories (MIGNOLO, 2018). The results show incipient actions for the inclusion of subjects related to Roraima's linguistic diversity and the teaching / learning of Portuguese as an additional language (indigenous, foreign and deaf). In addition, we noted the urgency that currently elective courses are updated in the perspective advocated here and incorporated into the mandatory curriculum grid, aiming at the formative regularity of the courses.
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