Multimodality and Sociodiscursive Representations in the Audiovisual “Female Team is #Coisanossa”

Intersubjectivity and Identity Relations


  • Graziela Frainer Knoll
  • Vera Lúcia Pires



Dialogism, Multimodality, Discourse, Media


The aim of this paper is to understand identity representations through the multimodality of language and the intersubjective relations in an audiovisual advertising. The research relies on the discursive-dialogical perspective of M. Bakhtin and his Circle, which recognizes language as a crucial element for the construction of meanings and identities, as well categories of analysis of the Visual Design Grammar. (KRESS; van LEEUWEN, 2006) are used for the study of images. The interaction of subjects situated in specific social contexts builds discursive practices inserted in social activities, so that the relationships established between these activities and practices can be analyzed in the dimensions of use and reception in different social spheres. As genres highlight certain sociocultural practices and ideological and axiological indices, so social relations are established, attributing certain representations that identify people (or with whom people identify).


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How to Cite

KNOLL, G. F.; PIRES, V. L. Multimodality and Sociodiscursive Representations in the Audiovisual “Female Team is #Coisanossa”: Intersubjectivity and Identity Relations. Linguagem em Foco Scientific Journal, Fortaleza, v. 11, n. 1, p. 71–82, 2020. DOI: 10.46230/2674-8266-11-2938. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.