Disinformation discursive practice

Distribution of false digital advertisements on social media





Critical Discourse Studies, Social media, Disinformation discursive practice, False digital advertisements


This study aims to investigate disinformation discursive practice in false digital advertisements, considering the distribution of false digital advertisements on social media. To do so, a theoretical framework was proposed to systematically analyze the distribution/contribution made by some social actors through elements that sometimes continue the text and sometimes discontinue it through aware, unaware, and transformational levels. This article is based on Critical Discourse Studies concerning the dialectical-relational approach (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001) and on disinformation studies (WARDLE; DERAKHSHAN, 2017). Moreover, this qualitative study uses discourse analysis as a method from the perspective of the Textually Oriented Discourse Analysis (TODA) developed by Fairlcough (2001). Data were reunited in 2 corpora to answer our research questions. The first corpus is formed by 3 false digital advertisements; the second one is composed of 5 comments retrieved from a news story that offered relevant aspects about the distribution of disinformation discursive practice. Results suggest that the distribution of false texts is a dangerous social problem that requires a greater comprehension of interactions between individuals, media, and society in general, as well as a greater transformational engagement that interferes with this practice dissemination from the understanding of contributions that continue and discontinue.


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How to Cite

SANTIAGO, A. H. R.; ARAÚJO, J. Disinformation discursive practice: Distribution of false digital advertisements on social media. Linguagem em Foco Scientific Journal, Fortaleza, v. 14, n. 2, p. 49–67, 2022. DOI: 10.46230/2674-8266-14-9374. Disponível em: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/linguagememfoco/article/view/9374. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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