A Possibility to Enhance Authorship in Argumentative Essays

Suggestions of Exercises


  • Laila Rayssa de Oliveira Costa
  • Sâmia Araújo dos Santos




Authorship, Text draft, Teaching, Enem


This work aims to propose activities that contribute to the development of authorship according to what is expected in the composition instructions of Enem (National High School Exam) from 2018. These instructions are written in the Student Booklet, available on the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira website (INEP, 2018). As a theoretical scope, we worked with the concept of authorship based on Discourse Analysis, using the studies of Barthes (2012), Foucault (2009) and Bakhtin (2010). In addition, we looked for a more specific approach, focusing on the school environment, using the ideas of Possenti (2002; 2013) and Orlandi (1988). Also, in the field of Text Linguistics, we used Cavalcante (2017) and his view on coherence. After reflecting on the concept of authorship and coherence, we produced activities with the objective of contributing to the work of high school portuguese teachers. These activities involve working into the classroom with authorship, text drafts and consistency.


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How to Cite

COSTA, L. R. de O.; DOS SANTOS, S. A. A Possibility to Enhance Authorship in Argumentative Essays: Suggestions of Exercises. Linguagem em Foco Scientific Journal, Fortaleza, v. 12, n. 1, p. 86–101, 2020. DOI: 10.46230/2674-8266-12-3117. Disponível em: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/linguagememfoco/article/view/3117. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.