The (Not) Artificialization of Text Genres in Teaching Practices of Mother Language


  • Kandice da Silva Ferreira
  • Ana Karine Souza
  • Maria Helenice Araújo Costa



Complexity Theory, Didactic Sequences, Activities, Sociocognitivism


Textual Linguistics contributed to teaching focused in social practices, however, with the difficulty to ally theory and practice, we noticed a process of camouflage of the language structure teaching through textual genres segmentation. The failure of this action raised a point of view of native tongue teaching that proposes the modularization of teaching by establishing an arrangement to study genres: the Didactic Sequences. However, based on Demo (2002), Bakhtin (1997), Franco (2011), Costa (2010) and Costa / Monteiro / Alves (2016), we briefly analyzed an activity that follows this methodology and we noticed the permanence of a fragmented teaching that brings the artificialization of textual genres. In order to present a proposal that we believe to be consistent with current text theories, we also analyzed an activity based on sociocognitivism that, in our opinion, seeks to contemplate textual genres in real situations, conceiving the language as a Complex Adaptive System (CAS). The aim of this article is promoting discussions about widely disseminated teaching practices. 


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How to Cite

FERREIRA, K. da S.; SOUZA, A. K.; COSTA, M. H. A. The (Not) Artificialization of Text Genres in Teaching Practices of Mother Language. Linguagem em Foco Scientific Journal, Fortaleza, v. 11, n. 1, p. 83–96, 2020. DOI: 10.46230/2674-8266-11-2939. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.