Nota de solidariedade aos colegas da PUC-SP
À Fundação São Paulo (Fundasp)
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP)
Read more about Nota de solidariedade aos colegas da PUC-SPworld tensions; nation; nationalism; geopolitics; international relations; political science; sociology
À Fundação São Paulo (Fundasp)
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP)
Read More Read more about Nota de solidariedade aos colegas da PUC-SPWe celebrate this issue of World Tensions as a result of a fortunate meeting, between us, the editors, and the authors that with generosity and care have honoured us with this vibrant collection of open questions, between worlds. It is equally fortunate the meeting of the editorial staff that has brought us to you, the reading public. Now you come next, and may your revolts be pleasant.
Artist of our edition
Merremii Karão Jaguaribara
Indigenous, born on March 2nd, 1993, in Aratuba-Ceará. Cultural agent, visual artist, curator, environmentalist, writer, and researcher, graduated in sociology from UNILAB-CE, graduated in social service from Anhanguera- UNIDERP-Center for Distance Education-CEAD. Master's student in humanities at UNILAB. I currently work with visual arts (workshops, lectures, experiences, exhibitions) and keep ancestral languages through indigenous art as my motto. I participated in collective exhibitions such as: Exposição Se arar: Bonito pra chover - Pinacoteca do Ceará- 2023. Exposição Nhe ́ ẽ Se- Caixa cultural de Brasília 2023. Exposição Hãwhãw – Anti-racist Indigenous Art in Ceará and Bahia 2023.
e-ISSN: 1983-5744 | Prefixo DOI: 10.33956
Universidade Estadual do Ceará – UECE
Av. Dr. Silas Munguba, 1700 - Campus do Itaperi
Fortaleza - CE, CEP: 60714-242
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