Intersections between professional pathways and associations
Interview with Associação Mineira de Professores de Português como Língua Estrangeira (AMPPLIE)
Portuguese as Additional Languages, Associations of Teachers, Teacher Education, teacher's professional activitiesAbstract
This interview initiates a round of debates with associations of professors and teachers of Portuguese as foreign/additional language which aims to discuss the research field, education and the work of professionals involved in the area. To begin with, in 2021, we interviewed two presidents of Associação Mineira de Professores de Português como Língua Estrangeira (AMPPLIE), Dra. Idalena Oliveira Chaves (UFMG) and Dr. Henrique Leroy (UFMG), respectively in charge of the association in 2017-2021 and 2021 to date. In order to present and discuss the perspective of the association regarding teacher education in the area of Portuguese as a foreign/additional language and the employment of teachers in the labor market, eight questions were suggested to the interviewees after initial contact. Then, a few additional comments were added by the interviewers. In such manner, we highlight dialogues, attitudes and stances that associations in this area may push to the forefront in order to bring those in the labor market (with different bonds to the profession) closer to actions that bolster the institutionalization of the work of the Portuguese as foreign/additional language teacher.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Idalena Oliveira Chaves , Henrique Rodrigues Leroy , Daniel dos Santos, Tatiana Martins Gabas, Bruna Frazatto
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