Knowledge’s ownership of the Collaborative Continuing Formation with focus in the production and rewriting on beginning years




Collaborative Continuing Formation, Knowledge ownership, Texts’ production and rewriting


On this article, we approach the Collaborative Continuing Formation theme (also known as CCF) in their relation to the text’s production and rewriting on begginning years. The proposal was orientad on the following search question: what knowledge ownerships are possible to identify, in CCF participants, about the forwarding of textual’s production and rewriting, subsidized by the conception of writing as an integration activity?. As a theoretical contribution, we are guided on an interactionist-dialogical perspective of language, according to the writings of Bakhtin’s in which we understand the writing’s practice as an interactive activity. Regarding the knowledge’s ownership we started by Vygotsky’s (1991[1984]) and Magalhães’ (2004) precepts. The data gathering throughout the whole formative process. It’s also a research which is inserted in the Applied Linguistics area (MOITA LOPES, 2003), as a qualitative-interpretative stamp, educational ethnographic (JUNG; SILVA; SANTOS, 2019) and critic collaborative search-action (MAGALHÃES, 2004; PIMENTA, 2005). The search results highlight to knowledge ownerships reverberated by the participant docents related to the beginning years textual production and rewriting practice referral, like: a) the comprehension of the different language and writing conceptions; b) the knowledge about the writing practice as in interactive activity and its relevance on the work with the textual production shaft; c) the elaboration of production’s referral contemplating interaction elements; d) the recognition of the text’s revision/correction practice in the promotion of writing practice subsidized by the interactionist-dialogical language’s conception.


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How to Cite

PARDINHO, J. A. de O.; COSTA-HÜBES, T. da C. Knowledge’s ownership of the Collaborative Continuing Formation with focus in the production and rewriting on beginning years. Linguagem em Foco Scientific Journal, Fortaleza, v. 13, n. 1, p. 295–316, 2021. DOI: 10.46230/2674-8266-13-4931. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.