Digital literacy and curriculum in distance education
An analysis of the political- pedagogical proposal for teacher education at an undergraduate Portuguese course
Distance Education, Higher Education, Political-Pedagogical Project, Digital TechnologiesAbstract
The demands for the use of digital technologies in teaching are more explicit, given the current social and economic contexts. However, it seems that they still find obstacles to be insert in educational environments. In part, one of the reasons may be related to teacher training. Based on this premise, this text presents the results of a research conducted with the purpose of verifying how a Portuguese Language graduation course train digitally their teachers to be capable of forming equally literate students. The theoretical foundation is based, above all, on the theoretical perspective of digital literacy. The study is of qualitative nature, carried out based on the procedures of documentary research and content analysis. The results show that digital literacy is present in the political-pedagogical project, however, with a mechanistic view of technology, devoid of a critical bias that leads teachers in training to appropriately take ownership of digital tools.
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