Manifestations of Racism and Prejudice in Cordel Peleja do Cego Aderaldo with Zé Pretinho do Tucum, by Firm Teixeira do Amaral
Analysis of a Basic Reading Sequence
Cordel, Fight of Cego Aderaldo with Zé Pretinho do Tucum, Prejudice and racism, Basic sequenceAbstract
This work analyzes a basic reading sequence through the Fight of the Blind man Aderaldo cord with Zé Pretinho do Tucum, by Firmino Teixeira do Amaral, developed in an 8th grade elementary school class at a state public school. Such analysis aims to highlight and discuss the manifestations of racism and prejudice present in the work. Methodologically, the basic sequence is that proposed by Rildo Cosson (2014), in which the meanings of the text are mobilized through motivation, introduction, reading and interpretation. As a theoretical basis, we used the following authors: Pinheiro (2012), Bajour (2012), Candau (2003), Leite (2008) and Marinho (2012). Reading the cordel raised two questions a priori to the teacher: how can the teacher work the cordel as a proposal for a basic reading sequence, in the Portuguese language discipline? How (s) to address the issue of racism? In addition, the students expressed the question: why is racism manifested in the cordel? These questions guided the development of this text, which pointed out as reflections on how cordel literature can lead the teacher to a socially significant teaching practice, in addition to enabling a way to enhance the student's critical thinking. As a result of the analysis, we evidenced that the students had perception of the manifestations of racism and prejudice presented in the cordel under study, being critically positioned before such manifestations.
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