Engaging with an artificial intelligence in the course e-le en (form)acción
analysis of the semiotic resources by the interactive metafunction from the visual grammar design perspective
multimodality, digital pedagogical material, alternative reality game, artificial intelligenceAbstract
Multimodality is an approach that makes it possible to read and interpret the world by providing and giving it different meanings. In the technology sphere, multimodality is noticeable to human eyes, mainly in the digital game worlds, due to the creating of immersive environments that make enriched, engaging experiences possible for the players. In this context, Alternative Reality Games (ARG) are game genres that combine fiction and reality in a transmedia narrative marked by clues and challenges. This study analyzes how the semiotic resources used in ARGs, especially those in the challenges, provoke the player's involvement in solving problems in an online continuing education course for Spanish teachers, based on studies sustained by Social semiotics, Visual Grammar Design, game-based learning, gamification, and the framework ARCS. To do it, this is a qualitative netnography study, focusing on seven challenges proposed in the pedagogical digital material available in the online course E-LE en (form)acción. Results highlight that it is the association of semiotic resources related to each communication mobilized mode (oral, visual, gestural, audio, and written), along with the representation of Dulce - an intelligent artificial guide character who appears positioned with her eyes and body forward, at the player's eye level, and in gradations of distance - that reveal a closeness to the viewer. Therefore, we can infer that these aspects can help focus the course takers' attention, the relevance of what is asked of them, their confidence in developing the challenge, and their satisfaction in completing it.
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