Call for Papers for Linguagem em Foco - v. 16, n. 2, 2024


Multimodality as a constitutive characteristic of texts in meaning-making (Kress, 2003; 2010; van Leeuwen, 2005) has become prominent, especially in the era of digital technologies in which semiotic modes and resources are seen as adequate and recurrent for the communication and representation in everyday life as well in school contexts to address diverse social and cultural issues. In this field of thought, users have recognized the importance of digital technology and have increasingly used diverse media, tools, artifacts, and language to produce texts, making meanings through the combination of semiotic modes. One of the tools highlighted is Artificial Intelligence through the ChatGPT, an advanced generative language model, which, starting from scratch, can produce texts and carry out various tasks using visual arts and natural language automatically, quickly, creatively, and freely. However, this tool has sparked debate and research in language and education studies due to its impact on teaching, learning, and teaching work, especially on the issue of knowledge in different areas, authorship, creativity, reflexivity, and ethics.

Given the relevance of this discussion today, we invite researchers to contribute to this thematic issue by submitting research articles showing the interface between multimodality, multiliteracies, artificial intelligence, and digital technology. This thematic issue aims to address multimodality from the perspective of social semiotics in different genres and texts, focusing on the analysis and impact of language production and understanding and the analysis of teaching and teaching practice experiences using digital technology, including AI. Empirical studies and systematic and reflective literature reviews contributing to Social Semiotics and Applied Linguistics are welcomed. Articles between 15 to 20 pages long are accepted, including abstracts, images, tables, graphs, and references written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, and French.

EDITORS: Dra. Antonia Dilamar Araújo (UECE)

                   Dra. Clarice Gualberto (UFMG)

                   Dra. Michelle Soares Pinheiro (IFCE)

Submission period: March to May 2024.

Peer reviewing period: May to July 2024.

Publication forecast: August 2024.

For submission, see the template on the journal website: