“The Thing Is Black”

A Discursive Analysis about the Ressignification of Idiom in Rincon Sapiência’s Videoclip


  • Thauany Ferreira Amaro
  • Antonio Carlos Santana de Souza




Linguistic, Discourse Analysis, Cultural Identity, idiomatic expressions


This paper show, in light of analysis of historical materialist discourse, a discursive reflection about the popular saying “the thing is black” and the form how it is resignified in the music video of the same name by rapper Rincon Sapiência. To achieve the proposed objective, was made an analysis using like base the Eni Orlandi's writings (2006; 2012; 2015) in order to comprise the main theoretical notions that supporting this discursive study. About understanding rap like musical genre, we agree with Fleury and Souza (2015) that depict the genre as an example of black people’s cultural identity. Furthermore, in reference of idiomatic expressions, we used the Urbano’s studies (2008) and, to contemplate the theme of cultural identity, Gomes (2003).


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How to Cite

AMARO, T. F.; DE SOUZA, A. C. S. “The Thing Is Black”: A Discursive Analysis about the Ressignification of Idiom in Rincon Sapiência’s Videoclip. Linguagem em Foco Scientific Journal, Fortaleza, v. 11, n. 2, p. 136–147, 2020. DOI: 10.46230/2674-8266-11-2917. Disponível em: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/linguagememfoco/article/view/2917. Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.