CHAMADA DE TRABALHOS – v. 13, n. 4, 2021 (setembro a dezembro de 2021)


THEMATIC ISSUE: Lexical access, lexical development, and vocabulary acquisition

ORGANIZADORAS: Dra. Pâmela Freitas Pereira Toassi (UFC)

                                    Dra. Ana Beatriz Areas da Luz Fontes (UFRGS)

Lexical access corresponds to a stage of the linguistic process in which the word form is matched to its correspondent meaning enabling its use for further processing in language production or comprehension. Failures in this stage of processing are reflected in examples of our daily routines, such as in language production, for example, when we want to express a concept, but we cannot recall the word that represents it. In language comprehension, it occurs when we come across a word, but are unable to associate it with its meaning.

As the examples show, lexical access manifests itself in linguistic processing countless times in our daily lives. This process occurs for both monolinguals and multilinguals. Bearing in mind the importance of this stage of linguistic processing, we invite researchers to contribute to this thematic issue with articles concerning lexical access and its related topics, such as lexicon development and vocabulary acquisition.

This thematic issue will address monolingual, bilingual, bimodal bilingual and multilingual lexical access, focusing on oral and written language production and comprehension, typical and atypical language development, language acquisition and processing. Empirical studies, case studies and systematic reviews of literature within the perspectives of Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Neurolinguistics, Phonetics and Phonology and Translation will be accepted. The submitted papers may be written in Portuguese or in English.

Período de submissão: agosto a novembro de 2021.  

Previsão de publicação: janeiro de 2022.