Call for Papers for Linguagem em Foco Magazine - v. 15, no. 3, 2023oco - v. 15, núm. 3, 2023


Theories, alternative practices, technodiversity and resistance to the hegemonization of Cybernetics: what does Applied Linguistics and the Human Sciences have to present us?

Currently, the scenario that is being defined in society and in the field of sciences is the continuous appropriation of collective life in favor of the exploitation that comes from digital technologies of information and communication (DTIC), which imposes on us the task of rethinking the collaboration of human and non-human language studies for the maintenance of the status quo; as well as the engagement of researchers in the resistance to the refined human exploitation through language and human-machine interaction. From this emerging social perspective, we aims to bring together in this thematic dossier theoretical articles and researches that explore technodiverse practices and technopolitical contributions in the fields of Applied Linguistics and the Social Sciences, in order to present community experiences of resistance to digitalized forms of coloniality, modulation, exploitation, and consumption. In this dossier, we are especially interested in papers and essays that provide theoretical subsidies and share experiences of resistance to the rationalization of the world present in the diffusion of technocratic and digitalized practices of modernity, in order to reactivate non-egocentric social ties, collective and solidary actions in times of dissolution of local textures and standardization of ways of life guided by consumption and neoliberal rationality.




Débora Liberato Arruda Hissa

Emanoel Pedro Martins Gomes

Robson Campanerut da Silva

Carlos Eduardo Ferreira da Cruz