Nota sobre a previsão de publicação do número v. 16, n. 3, 2024 - Atemático.
Focus and Scope
Linguagem em Foco Scientific Journal: Created in 2009 by Professors from the Postgraduate Program in Applied Linguistics at UECE, the journal publishes academic research and theoretical works produced within the scope of interest in the field of Applied Linguistics. In electronic format, it brings together original and unpublished articles, essays, reviews, interviews with researchers and professors of national and international prominence, as well as expanded summaries of theses and dissertations recently defended (which have not been submitted to other journals or published in Annals of congresses).
Articles and Reviews, produced by researchers and/or professors linked to national and international higher education and research institutions, can be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French, must be unpublished and in accordance with the submission guidelines presented at the link
Double Blind Peer Review Process
The submitted works must be under the norms. They will be previously analyzed by the Editorial Committee, which will evaluate them regarding the suitability of the manuscript to the scope of the journal. The commission will assess whether the manuscript has the degree of originality, originality and theoretical-methodological depth expected for an academic-scientific publication.
If the work meets the requirements, it will be sent anonymously for evaluation by reviewers/evaluators external to the editorial team. After analysis, copies of the reviews will be forwarded to the authors, with instructions for modifications, when applicable.
Papers that do not meet the journal's standards will be returned to the authors.
Data, concepts and opinions expressed in the works, as well as the accuracy of the bibliographic references, are the sole responsibility of the authors.
Arbitration System
The Scientific Journal Linguagem em Foco encourages collaborators from all educational institutions to submit their unpublished research papers, which will be preliminarily evaluated by the editorial team responsible for the journal. If the works are accepted in this first phase, they will be anonymously evaluated by two expert evaluators and, in case of disagreement, by a third ad hoc evaluator. The Publisher reserves the right to suggest formal changes to accepted articles to authors, as well as to publish them in the number they deem most convenient.
Articles will follow the standard submission flow when accepted by two evaluators. In the event of a tie in the evaluation, that is, when only one of the opinions is favorable to publication, the Editorial Team will request a new opinion from a third expert in the theme and language of the manuscript to decide on its publication.
The arbitration system of Linguagem em Foco Scientific Journal, as well as the evaluation process, is carried out by Blind Peer Review.
The selection of members who act in the arbitration of texts is considered on the level of expertise in the subject and language of the submitted manuscript.
Free Access Policy
The journal offers immediate free access to its content. We believe that providing free access to scientific texts provides greater socialization and democratization of knowledge. The Journal also does not charge a fee from authors regarding the submission and publication of articles, nor from readers who want to access or research the journal's content.
Digital Archiving Policy
All manuscripts published on our platform are digitally stored using LOCKSS and CLOCKSS.
Ethics in Research (Anti-plagiarism and Respect for Human Beings)
The Scientific Journal Linguagem em Foco only publishes unpublished works, that is, articles, reviews and abstracts that have not been published in other media, and that respect the current laws of research with human beings and against plagiarism. Regarding research with human beings, authors must obligatorily mention the Approval Opinion Number of the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings (CEP) or attach the Approval Opinion file as a Supplementary Document..
Concerning originality and plagiarism, all manuscripts submitted to the journal Linguagem em Foco will be checked by the software before being sent to the evaluators, who can also identify plagiarism not identified automatically. In addition, before publication, a new check is made especially to check that the article has not been published in another journal. If plagiarism is confirmed, the article will be returned to the authors.
About this publishing system
The journal uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS, a free, open-source system for administering and publishing journals, developed with support and distribution by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.
Qualis-CAPES / Qualis-CAPES Evaluation stratum: A4