Teaching the Pythagorean theorem from the perspective of Ausubel's Meaningful Learning
Pythagorean theorem; David Ausubel's Theory; Meaningful Learning.Abstract
The main objective of this article is to present the conception and implementation of the topic of Geometry in the view of Ausubel's pedagogical theory, as a didactic proposal for the Pythagorean theorem through meaningful learning. To achieve the objective, topics related to the history of the mathematician Pythagoras, the pedagogical theory of Ausubel's Meaningful Learning, demonstrations of the Pythagorean theorem and applications of the Pythagorean theorem from the perspective of Ausubel's theory of Meaningful Learning were structured. In methodological terms, the research was of an applied nature, with a qualitative and exploratory approach. In this way, it is possible to verify that the main conclusions resulting from the experimentation of the didactic proposal, the benefits of the Meaningful Learning methodology in the development of geometry, also in the development of competences and in the performance of the students, not only motivate the learning, but also motivate the students to understand other theories of geometry.
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