Foucault's contributions to the theory of relationship with knowledge
Relation with knowledge; Power relations; Bernard Charlot; Michel Foucault.Abstract
The aim of this study is to approach the understandings between the theory of the relationship with knowledge of Charlot (2000) with ideas present in Foucault (1996, 2014, 2021) which are, respectively, in the works: "Discipline and Punish", "The Order of Speech" and "Microphysics of Power". The research is qualitative in character, with a theoretical essay format mediated by hermeneutics. The main results found were: the valorization of relations to understand his theories, the process of focusing on normatization as a device to exclude subjects outside the norm, the understanding that a scientific truth can be limited according to its time history, and, an active perception of the subject characterized by the appropriation in different relationships Considering the importance of these findings, it is suggested that further dialogues between this and other authors be held in order to broaden the understanding about the theory of relationship with knowledge.
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