Under the shadows of the cashew tree: mocororó of the tremembé, nurturing tradition and harvesting culture
Fermented beverages, indigenous people, mocororó, Tremembé, cultural identityAbstract
American indigenous peoples use various vegetables to produce fermented foods and beverages, such as corn, cassava, honey, and various fruits. Fermentation preserves and transforms food, benefiting human health. More specifically, in Northeast Brazil, where the cashew tree (Anacardium occidetale L.) is naturally found, mocororó is produced. It is a fermented drink made from cashew apple juice by the indigenous peoples of Ceará. Among the resistance practices that persist among the Tremembé people, this study highlights the fermented beverage of Mocororó and its contribution to the cultural identity of these people. This article aims to discuss cultural identity through a narrative review of the literature, list the importance of knowledge and ways of making Mocororó, and discuss its consumption and anthropological and traditional cultural values. Based on the results found in this study, it is possible to state that Mocororó is a part of the cultural identity of the Tremembé people.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rafael Amaral, Marina Miranda Ribeiro Gonçalves, Fernando Matias, Adriana Siqueira, Ana Erbênia Mendes, Francisca Elisângela Lima, Paulo Sousa
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